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Social Media Content Creation That Works

Get your own dedicated Account Manager who will take care of all your social media content affordably.
Social Media Hero

We Make Social Media Easy

done for you icon


You're completely hands off. We'll create the content for you! You can review the content once a month.
account manager icon

Account Manager

You get your own dedicated Account Manager who creates your custom posts.
stay in control icon

Stay In Control

You decide what we post about. No inspiration? We will come up with topics to post about.
content calendar

Content Calendar

Review, edit, and request changes to your content calendar at any time through the month.
attention grabbing designs

Attention Grabbing Designs

You'll get attention grabbing designed graphics with your logo and unique colors.

Why Promoshin Social Content?

Stunning Profile

We’ll treat your social profiles likes works of art to get you the highest engagement and best results.
stunning profile
more followers

More Followers

Drive traffic, raise awareness, and grow organically by leveraging branded social media posts.

Save Time & Money

Consistently creating great content takes lots of time and money. Let us take the burden off your shoulders!
save time and money
brand consistency

Brand Consistency

Drive traffic, raise awareness, and grow organically by leveraging branded social media posts.

Get Started In Just 4 Simple Steps


Kick-off & Discovery

We’ll gather as much info as we can through a questionnaire, 
our own research, and kick-off call with you.

Free 7-Day Trial

You’ll get 7 days of free custom designed content so we can prove ourselves to you before you commit to a full month. 

Design Custom Posts

Our designers work on producing stunning custom posts that can be used on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and others.

Confirm & Post

We’ll present your posts, captions, and hashtags in our online system. We’ll make any revisions, then you’re free to post on all platforms.

Examples Of Our Work

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Case Studies

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Laundry Angels
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Frequently asked questions

How many posts per month will I get?

Depending on your subscription you'll either receive 12, 20, or 28 social media posts.

When do I get to review my posts?

We'll send over your first batch of posts within a few days after you're onboarded. After the first month, we'll send you a new batch of post to review at the beginning of your subscription each and every month.

How do I cancel my subscription?

You can cancel your subscription by sending us an email. We'll ask you to fill out a quick form and voila, your subscription is canceled.

Do you need my login info?

No, absolutely not! We provide the content for you to post yourself. No login or password required.

Do you have a money-back guarantee?

We don't offer refunds or money back since we spend a lot of time creating your posts. But we do offer a 7-day free trial so you can make sure we're a good fit.

How much info do you need to get started?

We only need your logo and the link to your website. Additional information can definitely help us, but we've worked with dozens of clients who simply don't have the time to provide us with additional info...which is fine! Don't worry, we're used to creating amazing posts with limited info from your end.

What do I have to do?

You just have to review the posts once a month, which can be done in as little as 5 minutes!

Who will be creating my posts?

Every client gets their own dedicated Account Manager who will be creating your posts.

Do I get to review the posts?

Of course! We'll send over a new batch of posts each month for your to review, and you'll have the opportunity to make one round of revisions per post.

Is the content generic?

Not at all! Your Account Manager will immerse themselves in your business and industry to make sure we create custom content specific to your business.

Ready To Get Pricing or Schedule a Demo?

Get instant pricing in under 30 seconds or schedule a demo call to learn more about how we can help your business grow.
logo of promoshin with a lightbulb
Full-service video content production and promotion since 2011. Over 8,500 videos made around the world for bootstrapped startups to Fortune 500 companies, including the BBB, Intuit, Pfizer, NASA, Cisco, Uber, Cinemark, Kaiser, Oracle, and Microsoft.



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