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10 Essential Types Of Video Content Businesses Should Use

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Is Your Message Getting the Attention It Deserves?

Amplify your brand’s voice with custom videos that demand attention. Let’s create content that resonates and engages your audience at every touchpoint.

10 Types of Video Content That Will Diversify Your Content

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, video content consistently stands out for its effectiveness and engagement. With the rapid shift towards online platforms, businesses are increasingly leveraging video to communicate their message, showcase their brand, and connect with their audience. 

However, it's not just about creating video content; it's about diversifying it.

a tv with people watching in front of it

GIF by The Explainer Studio via GIPHY

This blog post delves into ten essential types of video content that businesses should use to enhance their marketing strategy, reach a broader audience, and achieve greater impact.

The Importance of Diverse Video Content

In an increasingly digital world, the types of video content a business uses can significantly impact its online presence and audience engagement. Diversifying video content is not just a creative endeavor; it's a strategic necessity. 

Different types of video content cater to various aspects of a customer's journey, from awareness and education to decision-making and advocacy.

Appealing to a Wider Audience

Using a range of video types ensures that a business appeals to a wider audience with varying preferences and consumption habits. While some may be drawn to the detailed explanations in explainer videos, others might find animated infographics more engaging. 

This variety helps in reaching a broader demographic and keeps the content fresh and interesting.

Enhancing SEO
a phone with a magnifying glass hovering over

GIF by Correct Technology via GIPHY

Incorporating various types of video content enhances SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Search engines favor websites with diverse and quality content, and videos are a significant part of this mix. 

By frequently incorporating the keyword 'types of video content' into different video formats, businesses can improve their search engine rankings, making them more visible to potential clients.

Improve Customer Relationship

Diverse video content allows for more touchpoints with customers. For instance, a behind-the-scenes tour can create a sense of closeness and trust, while a well-crafted customer testimonial video can serve as a powerful endorsement. Each video type serves a unique purpose in building and strengthening the relationship between the brand and its audience.

Varied video content provides businesses with valuable data and insights into what resonates with their audience. This information is crucial for refining marketing strategies and ensuring content remains relevant and effective.

The importance of incorporating diverse types of video content into a business's marketing strategy cannot be overstated. It's a powerful way to engage different segments of the audience, enhance online visibility, and build a robust, dynamic brand presence.

1. Explainer Videos

Video by Promoshin via

Explainer videos are a cornerstone of modern digital marketing strategies. These concise, engaging videos are designed to clarify complex products or services in a straightforward, easily digestible format.

By breaking down intricate concepts into simple visuals and narratives, explainer videos help viewers grasp the core value proposition of a product or service quickly. This not only improves understanding but also aids in retention, making explainer videos one of the most powerful types of video content for businesses looking to communicate complex ideas effectively.

2. Animated Product Demos

When it comes to showcasing a product, animated demos have a unique charm among the various types of video content. These videos use compelling animation to demonstrate how a product works, highlighting its features in an entertaining and informative way. 

Unlike traditional product demonstrations, animated demos can bring abstract concepts to life, provide a 360-degree view of a product, and even show its internal mechanisms. This creative approach captures the audience's attention and can make even the most mundane products seem fascinating.

3. Customer Testimonial Videos

Video by Promoshin via

Customer testimonial videos are a potent form of social proof and are some of the most believable types of video content. 

By featuring real customers sharing their positive experiences with a product or service, these videos build trust and credibility. They offer prospective customers a relatable perspective, showcasing how others have benefited from the business's offerings. 

This authenticity is invaluable; it not only humanizes the brand but also provides tangible evidence of its value and effectiveness.

4. How-To & Instructional Videos

How-to or instructional videos serve a dual purpose: they educate the audience while subtly promoting a product or service. 

These videos provide step-by-step guidance on how to use a product or perform a specific task, making them highly valuable types of video content for customers seeking practical information. 

By offering this educational content, businesses not only enhance customer experience but also position themselves as knowledgeable and helpful industry experts.

5. Event Coverage Videos

an animated apple event video

GIF by Mashable via GIPHY

Capturing and sharing event coverage videos is an excellent way for businesses to extend the reach of their physical events.

Whether it's a product launch, conference, or seminar, this is one of the types of video content that allows businesses to share the experience with those who couldn't attend in person

They also serve as a historical record of the event, showcasing the company's involvement in industry-related activities and enhancing its brand image.

6. Behind-the-Scenes Tours

Behind-the-scenes (BTS) content is one of the types of video content that offers a unique glimpse into the inner workings of a business. They might showcase the manufacturing process, the day-to-day operations, or the company culture.

BTS content humanizes the brand, allowing audiences to connect with the business on a more personal level. This transparency fosters trust and loyalty, showing customers the real people and processes behind the products or services they enjoy.

7. Employee Introduction Videos

a blue character standing against a yellow background

GIF by Johnny2x4 via GIPHY

Introducing employees through one of many types of video content is an excellent strategy for businesses to foster a more personal connection with their audience. T

These videos can showcase the faces behind the brand, highlighting the team's skills, passions, and roles within the company. 

This not only adds a human touch to the business but also helps in building a stronger, more relatable brand image. By showing the diversity and professionalism of the team, these videos can also enhance the company's appeal as a prospective employer and business partner.

8. Animated Infographics

In an era where information overload is common, animated infographics offer a visually engaging way to present data and statistics. These videos combine compelling graphics, text, and animation to break down complex information into bite-sized, easy-to-understand pieces.

Not only do they make the data more palatable, but they also increase its shareability on social media platforms, thereby enhancing the reach and impact of the content.

Video by Promoshin via

9. Webinar and Live Stream Recordings

Webinars and live streams have become increasingly popular, providing an interactive platform for businesses to engage with their audience in real time. 

Recording these sessions and making them available as video content allows the business to extend the life of the event. These recordings can be an invaluable resource for those who missed the live session, offering educational content, insights, and a deeper understanding of the business and its offerings.

10. Social Media Short Videos

The rise of short-form video content on social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat has opened up new avenues for businesses to engage with their audience. These quick, concise videos are perfect for capturing attention in a fast-paced digital environment. 

Whether it's showcasing a quick tip, a glimpse behind the scenes, or a fun moment in the office, these short types of video content can go a long way in boosting a brand’s presence and relatability on social media.

You Can Find All the Types of Video Content Under One Roof

a rocket flying out of a laptop screen

Video content is more than just a marketing tool; it's a crucial element of a comprehensive digital strategy. By incorporating these ten types of video content into their marketing mix, businesses can ensure more dynamic, engaging, and effective communication with their audience. 

From explainer videos to short social media clips, each type serves a unique purpose and helps in building a stronger, more relatable brand.

Are you ready to explore the dynamic world of video content? With a wealth of experience and a track record of producing over 8000 plus videos, Promoshin can offer you the kind of high-caliber videos that not only capture attention but also drive action. 

Discover the perfect video for your needs by checking out our Video Idea Cheat Sheet to pick a video that’s right for you. Get pricing for our video services to have the perfect video made by Promoshin's video creation experts. Engage your audience with beautiful visuals today!

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Full-service video content production and promotion since 2011. Over 8,500 videos made around the world for bootstrapped startups to Fortune 500 companies, including the BBB, Intuit, Pfizer, NASA, Cisco, Uber, Cinemark, Kaiser, Oracle, and Microsoft.



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Sells for $9.99 on Amazon, but you can order a free copy here!
This book is a fast and easy way to learn how to make your project successful. It will help you avoid big mistakes and wasted efforts, while creating the best project for your needs.
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